Thickness | Width | Length |
15-40 micron | Most 1350mm | 4500m'e until |
It protects the products from external factors such as hot, cold, precipitation, dust and dirt. The product has a bright and slippery surface. It does not hold dust and dirt. .For flexibility; it is not affected by sharp and sharp corners, does not require rope or hoop, and is economical and economical in the packaging of bottled products.
Products in stock: |
PE Stretch Film | Usage | Product Sizes | Roll Weight | Quantity / Carton | Stretch Ratio | Hand Type | HT.140-17 : 17mic x 500mm x 140m | 2,00 Kg | 6 rolls | 150% | HT.300-17 : 17mic x 500mm x 300m | 2,70 Kg | 6 rolls | Machine Type | HT.1500-17 : 17mic x 500mm x 150m | 13,20 Kg | 1 roll | 350% | HT.1500-23 : 23mic x 500mm x 1500m | 17,50 Kg | 1 roll |
* The weight of the roll is not included in the package weight per roll. |
Production Range: |
PE Stretch Film | Hand Type | Thickness | : | 15-40 micron | Stretching ratio 150% or 200%'is. | Width | : | Most 1350mm | Length | : | 300m until | Machine Type | Thickness | : | 15-40 micron | Stretching ratio 350%'is. | Width | : | Most 1350mm | Length | : | 4500m until |
* Production can be made in different colors. |